Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Service Learning Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Service Learning Report - Essay Example The Saudi Student Organization has been helping other Saudi Arabian students meet each other and help keep the culture alive on campus for the past ten years. We enjoy spending time together as students that represent the Saudi country and culture while spending our time getting an education at Murray in Kentucky and we also enjoy serving others. The sole purpose of our organization is to keep the culture alive on campus. While we are students learning in America, we must be true to our own cultures and upbringings. Not just in culture but in our faith. We mostly offer programs to help Saudi students connect with other Saudi students. The Saudi Student Organization also hosts National Day for Saudi Arabia. The organization that I am involved in invites all students and faculty to take part and learn more about our culture and religion. I have devoted more than 20 hours of my time into helping to guide new students and help them to fit in here at Murray because I remember how important it was to me when I came to campus to keep my culture close to my heart and while I was living in America, I did not want to forget who I was and where I came from. I feel like I owe to other students how others helped me. In regards to the Organization’s Forces for Good Diagnostic Tool, this was completed with high remarks. For Practice 1: Advocate and Serve, there were two questions. The first was, â€Å"My organization advocates for policy reform, in addition to providing direct services,† and Strongly Agree was chosen. For the second question, â€Å"My organization effectively combines service and advocacy, drawing on direct service programs to inform advocacy agendas and vice versa,† it was ranked as an Agree. For the second section, the topic was to Make Markets Work. The two questions were: â€Å"My organization changes the way local, national, or global businesses fundamentally

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